Competency-Based Hiring vs Experience-Based Hiring

July 27, 2021

Competency-Based Hiring vs Experience-Based Hiring

Are you tired of hiring the wrong candidates for your company? Do you want to optimize your hiring process and find the best talent for your team? HRM software is here to help, but you need to choose the right approach: competency-based hiring or experience-based hiring.

What is Competency-Based Hiring?

Competency-based hiring is an approach that focuses on the skills, knowledge, and abilities that candidates need in order to perform a specific job. This approach requires you to define the competencies required for each role and assess candidates based on their demonstrated ability to meet those competencies.

For example, if you are hiring a software developer, you might look for competencies related to coding, problem-solving, collaboration, and technical knowledge. You would then evaluate each candidate based on their performance in coding tests, problem-solving exercises, and technical interviews.

What is Experience-Based Hiring?

Experience-based hiring is an approach that emphasizes a candidate's past work experiences and accomplishments. This approach assumes that candidates who have succeeded in similar roles in the past are more likely to succeed in the future.

For example, if you are hiring a marketing manager, you might look for candidates who have a track record of success in marketing roles, who have worked for successful companies, and who have achieved measurable results. You would then evaluate each candidate based on their resume, references, and past work experience.

Pros and Cons of Competency-Based Hiring


  • Focuses on job performance: Competency-based hiring ensures that candidates have the skills and abilities needed to perform a job successfully.
  • Reduces bias: Competency-based hiring is less susceptible to bias than experience-based hiring, which can be influenced by factors such as name recognition and school prestige.
  • Increased diversity: Competency-based hiring can help to increase diversity in the workplace by focusing on an individual's skills and abilities.


  • Time-consuming: Competency-based hiring can be time-consuming, requiring an extensive evaluation process for each candidate.
  • Limited experience evaluation: Competency-based hiring may not take into account a candidate's past experiences and accomplishments, which can provide valuable insight into their ability to succeed in a role.

Pros and Cons of Experience-Based Hiring


  • Easier evaluation: Experience-based hiring requires less time and effort to evaluate candidates, as much of the evaluation is based on their resume and past experiences.
  • Proven track record: Experience-based hiring can be a safer bet, as candidates with a proven track record of success are more likely to perform well in the future.
  • Provides context: Experience-based hiring takes into account a candidate's past experiences, which can provide valuable context for their potential success in a role.


  • Bias is prevalent: Experience-based hiring can be more susceptible to bias, as it often involves evaluating candidates based on factors such as name recognition and school prestige, rather than their actual abilities.
  • May not reflect future needs: Experience-based hiring may not take into account a candidate's potential to succeed in different roles or to adapt to changes in the organization's needs.

Final Thoughts

In the end, choosing between competency-based hiring and experience-based hiring depends on your company's needs and values. Both approaches have their pros and cons, and you need to evaluate them based on your hiring goals, culture, and biases.

To optimize your hiring process, you can also combine both approaches, utilizing competency-based hiring to evaluate skills and abilities, and experience-based hiring to evaluate past performance and contextual factors.

By leveraging HRM software and a thoughtful approach, you can find the best candidates for your team while promoting diversity, eliminating bias, and optimizing your hiring process.


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